Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Moving to the Design Phase

Today I begin the Design Phase of the  project. So, for now, I will leave the reading up on the subject of Plagiarism Detection behind me and start to try and apply my recently acquired knowledge to something useful.

The Design Phase will consist of a lot of decision making. I have already decided that the automatic plagiarism detection system will be implemented in python. But how should it be implemented? How should the implementation process be? What Integrated Development Environment (IDE) should be used? How should the implementation be built and tested? What name should it have? etc..

To help my decsion making process I will sketch a lot and try out different ideas. But before that can comence I have realised something.. I need to read some more.. But this time it will focus more on the genereal area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Python. The next text I will lay my eyes on is the Style for Coding Python (PEP).

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